검붉은 토마토
익혀서 먹으려고
파란 토마토를
내장고에 넣어 두었다
어느날 문득 생각나 꺼내니
새빨갛게 익은 한쪽은
검게 썩어 있었다
나이 사십니 되니
조금 알 것 같다
제때 먹지 않으면
시간에게 먹힌다는 것을
Key Vocabulary
익히다: age, ferment, mature; 익다1(3. 김치, 술, 장 따위가 맛이 들다)’의 사동사.
썩다: rot, decay, decompose; 유기물이 부패 세균에 의하여 분해됨으로써 원래의 성질을 잃어 나쁜 냄새가 나고 형체...
제때: right time, right moment, right occasion; 알맞은 때.
먹히다: be eaten; 먹게 되다
A Dark Red Tomato
By Cheon Yoon-ho
Ripened for eating
The green tomato
Was placed in the refrigerator
One day I suddenly remember and take it out
Once bright red and ripe on the side
It is now black with decay
Turning thirty years old
I think I understand
If you don't eat it at
the right moment
It will be eaten by time
I have mixed feelings about this poem. I read it two years ago at school and was unsettled about the idea that someone at thirty-years-old was no longer considered "ripe." U.S. culture is slowly changing, with many people choosing to settle down later but I think this concept persists. Cheon Yoon-ho is a male poet, which may or may not be indicative of the continued sexism in South Korea.
Feel free to comment below with your thoughts, comments or suggestions!
It will be eaten by time
I have mixed feelings about this poem. I read it two years ago at school and was unsettled about the idea that someone at thirty-years-old was no longer considered "ripe." U.S. culture is slowly changing, with many people choosing to settle down later but I think this concept persists. Cheon Yoon-ho is a male poet, which may or may not be indicative of the continued sexism in South Korea.
Feel free to comment below with your thoughts, comments or suggestions!
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