Monday, March 27, 2017

Poem Translation: Ghost in the Water - Cheon Yoon-ho


내가 먼저 빠졌다
만만하게 봤는데
목숨보다 깊었다
어차피 수영금지구역이었다
어설프게 손 내밀다
그도 빠진 건
누구의 탓도 아니었다
서로 나가기 위해서
발목을 잡아당겼다
나는 안다
숨이 막히고
심장이 부서지는 고통을
우리는 익사할 것이다
바닥에 즐비한
다른 연인들처럼
하지만 누가 뭐라 해도
내가 먼저 빠졌다

/전윤호 시집, 연애소설, 다시, 2005/

Ghost in the Water
Cheon Yoon-ho

I was the one who fell first

It was deeper than I anticipated
Deeper than I could hold my breath

In any case, swimming was prohibited there

I extended a shaky hand  

It was no one's fault
that I fell

My ankle was pulled
So that we could go together

I knew

Gasping for breath
The pain of a heart breaking
It would be our drowning

In rows along the bottom
Like one's different lovers

However, no matter what anyone says
I was the one who fell first    

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Video Transcript Translation: [On-the-Spot24] "Institutes Also Teach College Courses" College Students Unable to Escape Private Education

You might be wondering where I went. Well, I was working on a translation for a competition and wasn't really feeling it so I decided to take a break and let myself not fixate on it. I'm still waiting to hear back from one more fellowship and need to focus on something, so here is some education news from Korea! You can watch the video at the link below and follow along with my translation. This is actually really good practice for someone learning Korean too. Since the video transcript is available, you can listen along while you read, getting a better sense of inflection and phrasing.

[현장24] "전공과목도 학원에서" 사교육 못 벗어나는 대학생
[On-the-Spot24] "Institutes Also Teach College Courses" College Students Unable to Escape Private Education

Link to Video:

앵커의 말:

최근 서울 강남의 입시 전문학원에 대학교 신입생을 위한 이른바 학점 관리반이 생겼습니다.
Lately, at the Entrance Examination Institute in Gangnam, Seoul, a so-called 'College Credit Management Class' has been started/implemented for in-coming college first-year students.

대학 전공과목을 배우려 학원을 찾는 명문대 신입생들, 사교육을 벗어나지 못하는 씁쓸한 현장을, 차정윤 기자가 다녀왔습니다.
First-year students in elite universities looking for prep academies in order to learn about college majors, unable to get out of the bitter scene of private education, reporter Cha Jeong-Yoon has the story.

기자의 말:

서울 대치동의 입시전문학원.
An Entrance Examination Institution in Daechi-dong, Seoul.

학부모가 상담 창구에서 수업을 신청하고 결제합니다.
Parents of students are signing up for classes at the counter.

[학부모 : 서울대 미적분이요. 물리 1하고요. (○○○선생님이 하는 거요?) 네.]
Parent of Student: The Seoul University Differential and Integral Calculus course. And Physics 1. (The one Teacher So-and-So is teaching?) Yes.

과목은 다름 아닌 대학 강의.
The classes differ in no way to college lectures.

최근 대학에 입학한 아들을 위해 입시학원이 마련한 대학 전공과목 보충 수업을 대신 등록해주는 겁니다.
Lately, entrance examination institutions are offering enrollment to supplemental college major requirement classes to prepare students already accepted into university.

[학부모 : (아들이) 조금 더 공부 좀 하면서 하는 게 나을 것 같다고, 너무 오래 안 해서요. 그래서 제가 신청했어요. 자기가 (강의가) 있으면 하나 들어보고 싶다고 해서요. (혹시 아드님이 어느 학교 다니세요?) 서울대요.]
Parent of Student: I think that [my son] will improve if he studies a bit more, since he hasn't studied it in so long. That's why I signed him up. Since he said that if there was a class available, he would like to take it. (May I ask which school your son attends?) Seoul National [University].

중고생을 위한 이 입시 학원은 지난달부터 대학교 신입생을 대상으로 한 수학과 물리 강의를 시작했습니다.
For the benefit of middle and high school students, this institute started offering a math and physics lecture course aimed at newly-admitted college freshman since last month.

(1:06: 대학신입생 학점관리 프러그램: Program for College First-Year Students in Course Credit Management)

이른바 SKY로 불리는 국내 명문대의 상경계와 이공계 합격 학생들을 위한 학점 관리 특별반입니다.
In order to help students accepted into the commerce and engineering majors at the so-called SKY universities, the nation's most elite, there is a special section for managing college credits.

수업은 한 과목에 50만 원씩, 5주 동안 주말마다 진행됩니다.
Each course for this class costs 500,000 Won (approximately $448.75) and meets every weekend over the course of 5 weeks.

입시학원의 강의 시간표입니다.
This is the lecture schedule for one of the entrance exam institutes, a type of after-school prep academy.

(1:22: 대학합격자 예비과정 프러그램: Program Course Program for Newly-Admitted College Students)

중고등학생 강의 사이사이에 대학교 신입생을 위한 클리닉 강의도 홍보하고 있습니다.
In the intervals between lectures for middle and high school students, there is even a health clinic lecture being promoted for college freshman.

(1:27: 고등 상담 센터: Counseling Center for High School Students)

학원 측은 학생들의 부족한 부분을 채워줄 수 있도록 기회를 주는 것뿐이라고 설명합니다.
The institute explains that it is simply giving students the opportunity to improve in areas where they are lacking.

[학원 관계자 : 고민되는 아이들의 수요가 있고, 본인의 학업을 위해서 전문가나 선생님의 도움을 얻을 수 있는 방편을 찾고자 노력하는 거잖아요.]
Institute Spokesperson/Public Relations Officer: There are demands from worried students. They are able to get help from a specialist or teacher for the benefit of their studies and thus gaining the means with which they will succeed.

이러다 보니 대학생이 되었어도 중·고등학교 시절 익숙해져 버린 사교육의 연장선에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다는 지적도 나옵니다.
Looking at the situation, the time spent in private educational programs, which have become a regular part of the lives of middle and high school students, is further drawn out to when they become college students, implying that students are unable to escape the system.

[김예지 / 이화여자대학교 도예과 신입생 : 경쟁이 치열한 편이라서 어떤 과목의 경우에는 고3 때처럼 치열하게 하지 않으면 학점을 잘 받기가 어렵다고 들었습니다.]
Kim Ye-ji / Ewha Womens University, Ceramics Dept., First-year Student: Competition is quite fierce so if you're not working as hard as you did in senior year of high school, I heard that it's difficult to get good grades.

[김태형 / 서울대학교 통계학과 신입생 : 대학생이 대학생을 과외 하거나 대학생을 위한 인터넷 강의, 학원도 있다고 많이 들었어요. 어떻게 하면 학점을 잘 받을지, 학점을 잘 주는 교수님이 누구신지, 그런 주제를 주로 얘기하는 것 같아요. 노는 것보다요.]
Kim Tye-hyeong / Seoul National Uni., Economics Dept., First-year Student: College students get tutors, watch internet lectures, and many have now heard that they can go to prep institutes as well. How to get good grades, which professors give good grades, they appear to talk about those subjects. It's better than hanging out.

과도한 스펙 부담으로 캠퍼스의 낭만은커녕 학점과 성적 걱정에 대학생들까지 학원으로 몰리고 있습니다.
With the excessive burdens placed on them to reach certain qualifications, not even mentioning campus romance, concerns/stress about class credits and grades have driven college students back to the entrance exam institutes and prep academies.

YTN 차정윤[]입니다.
For YTN, this is Cha Jeong Yoon.